

Saturday, August 30, 2014

"Madonna of the Cherubim", 1485. by Andrea Mantegna

"Madonna of the Cherubim", 1485. by Andrea Mantegna

"Madonna of the Cherubim"
by Andrea Mantegna

Friday, August 29, 2014

"Pieta", 1460. by Giovanni Bellini

"Pieta", 1460. by Giovanni Bellini

by Giovanni Bellini

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"The Crucifixion", 1515. by Bramantino

"The Crucifixion", 1515. by Bramantino

"The Crucifixion"
by Bramantino

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Christ at the Column", 1490. by Donato Bramante

"Christ at the Column", 1490. by Donato Bramante

"Christ at the Column"
by Donato Bramante

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Lamentation of Christ", 1480. by Andrea Mantegna

"Lamentation of Christ", 1480. by Andrea Mantegna

"Lamentation of Christ"
by Andrea Mantegna

Monday, August 25, 2014

"The Incredulity of Saint Thomas", 1602. by Caravaggio

"The Incredulity of Saint Thomas", 1602. by Caravaggio

"The Incredulity of Saint Thomas
by Caravaggio

Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Christ in the Night" by Marc Chagall

"Christ in the Night" by Marc Chagall

"Christ in the Night
by Marc Chagall